
Archive for April, 2014

The Wedding..

It’s been a while since my last post, isn’t it? I have something big going on with my life actually.. I really need to share it but I still can’t find a good way to say it here.. This certain something is actually not a bothering thing to me anymore, but for my beloved people, this is something big which is the biggest enemy for them right now.. But again, I don’t want to discuss it yet here so, next time~

Last Saturday I went to my older cousin wedding, which was a very wonderful event.. I started my day at 00.45 am because I needed to go out of my town to attend the wedding ceremony. Why was it wonderful? Here is the reason..

I should really tell you all that my father’s big family is really not an ordinary family. Ask me why? There are 9 siblings of them, and the oldest was born at 1936. They’re all alive, although the oldest sibling condition isn’t quite good right now. 7 of them are women, while 2 of them are men.. My father is the youngest of them all, and my father has 7 years age gap with his 8th sibling. All of them are educational people, who have high educational record and have background in children education. Almost all of  them are success people, who work even on the weekend. Maybe because almost all of them are success, let’s make an exception for my own father because he works in a small town, so almost all of them treat people based on their educational level. It’s not easy to live along with them, because almost all of your issues will be known by other, and they will naturally get included in finishing these issues.

This should explaining enough what’s the relation between my cousin wedding with the family. My father’s family is the type who always need to meddle with each one of the family member. Along this time, every time a family member gets married or has an event, it feels like the whole family will have a say on that matter. While other family member’s wedding or event gets other’s intervention, my cousin wedding isn’t. The event is so wonderful because its simplicity and solemnity.  My cousin is the bride. She doesn’t even wear something sparkling like a usual bride would wear in their wedding day. She just wears some natural make up and usual clothing, which adds her own color and beautiful.

Here I can again, see.. The wedding is actually the unity of two big families into one. Two people who are different is united into one by the wedding to create a new happy and healthy family. The wedding is one of the biggest day of your life, which will be the gate to your other big days. How you want to celebrate the wedding is always up to you, because each way to celebrate it only become meaningful if the event is happen according to the bride and the groom’s will. The wedding won’t be any less meaningless although you just hold a simple wedding, nor it won’t be any less meaningful if you hold a big event for it. The wedding, will only become meaningful if you pass it by your own realization, dedication, devotion, and love for each other, as long as the wedding should happen.

Friends, for anyone who will hold your own wedding event, I hope the event can be hold successfully, and your wedding will be a gate to your many happiness in life. For anyone who still wait for the ‘right’ one like me, may God speeds up our meeting with the ‘right’ one and tie us in a holly bond called wedding..

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