
Archive for May, 2012

Well, I think the title has said all the meaning behind, right? Here are some quotes about family itself:

In truth a family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring, and love you show to one another, and by the hopes for the future you have as individuals and as a unit.

MARGE KENNEDY, The Single Parent Family

Every family has a story that it tells itself, that it passes on to the children and grandchildren. The story grows over the years, mutates, some parts are sharpened, others dropped, and there is often debate about what really happened. But even with these different sides of the same story, there is still agreement that this is the family story. And in the absence of other narratives, it becomes the flagpole that the family hangs its identity from.

A.M. HOMES, O Magazine, Apr. 2007

There is an interconnectedness among members that bonds the family, much like mountain climbers who rope themselves together when climbing a mountain, so that if someone should slip or need support, he’s held up by the others until he regains his footing.

PHIL McGRAW, Family First

Dear my family..

What will cross your mind once you hear the term, dear my family? For me, my family is my everything.. It’s quite hypocrite I know but oh, what will I be without them? ><

My family is quite something actually.. When I say my family, then that means my six members family including my father, my mother, myself, my two brothers, and one sister. We really are a happy family. Although we live in many unfavorable situations, we often still laugh together. People around us see us as a very happy family, that’s why they often get jealous to our relationship.

I myself is the first daughter in my family. Being the first daughter, I become the first who grow up maturely.  That’s why my mother and father often share the issues exist in our big family. Although my big family matters are often too much to handle, it’s really enough for me as long as I can see the happy faces of my family, my little family. Until now I still wonder, how can my father and mother love us, their children, these much? How can they bring us this much love when every difficult thing happen when bringing us up? How can they teach us to love each other this much? As for now, my younger brothers and sister no longer child, they’ve grown up really well. We leave our home town in order to reach our dream, but we still stay in the same city. We leave both our parents in our hometown. And here we are, sharing all the love our parents have given us.. I’m so proud of my little family. And I make a promise to myself, I should bring happiness to them.

As we all know that family isn’t always means the people who have blood-bond, family can also mean the people who we grow up with. The people who share love to each other, protect each other, and share similar feeling at a time. I also meet my other family out there, they are y best friends. As I’ve posted the story before, I really fond of my best friends. They keep me strong whenever things going hard. I tell them everything that I can’t share it directly with my family.

Hey, all of my family members out there, do we still have one similar purpose in our life? Do we see similar spot where we want to reach it together.. Let’s fight together, and become stronger together, okay? My dear family, I love you..

Related with dear my family discussion, I have this video which is an OST from SM Town Movie I AM. This movie shows how much hardship should be endured by SM Town family until they can reach successful point. I myself like the song so much, the meaning behind the song and how beautifully they deliver the song’s emotion touch me a lot. Here I give you the link with the english sub:

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Bagaimana kabarmu, apakah kamu baik-baik saja? Di rumah, ibumu juga sehat. Sekarang ini aku sedang memandangi cermin dan fotomu. Tiba-tiba aku menjadi sadar bahwa aku sudah mulai tua. Kerut merut di wajahku sudah semakin banyak dan aku tidak cekatan lagi seperti dulu. Aku sering iri padamu yang selalu ceria, riang, aktif dan penuh dinamika. Akupun pernah mengalami seperti itu dulu.

Ketika menikah dengan ayahmu, aku tidak pernah membayangkan akan mempunyai anak seperti kamu. Sungguh, aku bangga padamu. Setelah engkau besar kini, aku baru sadar betapa kecilnya aku ini, betapa tidak berartinya aku. Engkau lahir dan tumbuh semata-mata karena mukjizat dan rahmat Tuhan belaka.

Tak kuingkari memang akulah yang mengandungmu selama sembilan bulan. Saat itu aku selalu gelisah menanti kelahiranmu. Aku selalu menjaga diriku agar bayi di perutku, yaitu kamu, sehat. Dengan susah payah dan sakit kulahirkan engkau. Aku termasuk beruntung karena tidak harus meninggal untuk melahirkanmu. Aku sampai menitikkan air mata bahagia saat mendengar tangis pertamamu yang lucu.

Engkau ini darah dan dagingku sendiri; engkau tumbuh dari bagian tubuhku namun engkau lahir keluar sebagai manusia yang baru sama sekali. Dalam beberapa hal kamu memang mirip aku tetapi selebihnya engkau sungguh baru.

Sejak kecil kurawat engkau dengan sangat hati-hati dan penuh kasih; engkau lebih kuperhatikan dari pada apapun yang pernah kumiliki. Kusuapi dan kususui engkau dengan air yang mengalir dari dadaku sendiri. Bila engkau menangis kugendong dan kuhibur. Kuberi engkau pakaian dan sepatu dan topi yang cocok untukmu. Tak lupa kubelikan juga mainan yang kau gemari; mobil-mobilan atau boneka-boneka yang lucu. Engkau masih ingat masa kecilmu, kan?

Setiap pagi dan sore kumandikan engkau. Bila kau ngompol atau e’ek di celana atau di popok, dengan sabar kubersihkan dan kuganti dengan yang baru.

Paling sedihlah aku, bila kamu sakit. Memang engkau waktu itu hanya makhluk kecil yang tidak berdaya, yang bisa saja kubuang ke kotak sampah atau ke selokan kalau aku mau. Tapi aku cinta padamu, engkau bagian dari hidupku sendiri. Maka kurawat engkau sungguh-sungguh, kubawa engkau ke dokter, kuusahakan agar kau mendapat vaksinasi dan makanan bergizi.

Pada waktu masih kecil dulu, kamu sering rewel, ngambeg bila tidak diberi uang jajan, atau sulit bila disuruh mandi. Kau ingat betapa manjanya kamu. Setiap kali kau lari ke pangkuanku bila engkau bertengkar dengan kakakmu, bila dimarahi ayah, atau bila dinakali teman-temanmu. Aku menjadi saksi untuk masa kecilmu yang manja, sehingga aku tak sempat lagi mengurus diri atau pergi sesuka hati.

Kini engkau sudah dewasa…
Aku bangga padamu, engkau harapanku. Namun aku sering sedih melihat kelakuanmu; kala engkau bermalas-malasan untuk bangun, kala bermain seharian tak tahu waktu. Hampir-hampir aku menangis bila kuingat betapa sulitnya menyuruhmu belajar, mengerjakan PR, atau mengingatkanmu untuk tidak membolos. Sepertinya kau tidak tahu bahwa ini semua demi kamu sendiri. Sungguh aku tidak bermaksud mau menyengsarakanmu dengan aturan-aturanku. Aku ingin engkau bahagia, bisa hidup pantas di tengah-tengah dunia yang penuh dengan persaingan ini. Kamu harus pandai supaya tidak mati tertelan jamanmu nanti.

Betapa sedihnya aku, ketika aku kau tuduh orang tua kolot, orang tua yang tidak mengikuti jaman, atau orang tua kampungan. Aku ingin dipahami bahwa kalau kusuruh kau bergaul tidak sembarangan, berpakaian yang pantas dan mau menghargai orang lain, adalah sungguh-sungguh supaya kamu menjadi manusia yang bermoral, bukan begajulan yang menghancurkan hidupnya dengan mau hidup sebebas-bebasnya.

Kau lihat betapa banyak teman sebayamu yang sudah harus berhenti sekolah untuk mengasuh anak, betapa banyak teman seusiamu jatuh pada obat bius dan pornografi. Anakku, aku tahu engkaupun tidak ingin menjadi seperti itu.

Sungguh kalau aku keras dalam hal ini karena aku tahu betapa halusnya bujukan setan dan betapa beratnya hidup yang tidak tegas terhadap yang jahat. Aku ingin kau pun memahami itu. Hatiku akan hancur bila sikapmu selalu melawan aku, bila kau selalu menganggap dirimu benar sendiri.

Setiap malam aku berdoa untukmu, tak sekejap pun engkau hilang dari hidupku. Bila aku sedang memasak di dapur, yang kubayangkan adalah kepuasan makanmu dan juga kesehatan tubuhmu. Bila aku ikut membantu bekerja, yang kuinginkan engkau tidak terhambat karena biaya. Bila kubenahi kamarmu yang selalu berantakan yang kuinginkan agar kau krasan di rumah. Bila kubelikan kau baju-baju yang modis, aku ingin kau tidak malu pada teman-temanmu. Dan bila aku merawat kesehatan tubuhku sendiri, aku hanya ingin agar aku dapat lebih lama lagi mendampingi dan menyerahkan hidup kepadamu.

Sekarang ini kamu sudah dewasa, banyak hal sudah dapat kau lakukan sendiri. Lambat laun akan terasa bahwa hidupmu memang menjadi tanggung jawabmu sendiri; tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat menggantikannya termasuk ibumu ini. Mohon jangan kecewakan aku dengan sikap keras kepalamu yang kekanak-kanakkan itu. Aku tidak cemburu kalau kamu sekarang sudah melebihi aku dalam segalanya. Aku malah bangga karena Tuhan sudah berkenan membiarkan aku ikut menyaksikan pembentukkan hidupmu. Seperti sebatang lilin, hidupku sudah meleleh habis… dan sebentar lagi pasti akan padam… untuk menerangi hidupmu, anakku. Kini engkau sendiri sudah mulai menyala, lebih terang dari yang kupunya.

Kalau engkau memang sulit menerima aku yang sering rewel, kolot atau lamban ini, aku mohon paling tidak kamu mau menghormati ayahmu. Sepanjang hari setiap hari selama bertahun-tahun dia bekerja keras untukmu, hingga tubuhnya lemah, hingga kulitnya kerut merut tertimpa banyak penderitaan. Cintanya padamu membuatnya tidak malu untuk bekerja di tempat-tempat yang kotor, membuatnya tahan duduk berjam-jam menangani tugas-tugas yang membosankan, dan membuatnya setia menjagai kita semua.Dia juga hanya ingin agar kita ini berbahagia.

Jangan sia-siakan cintanya. Jarang sekali dia mengeluh kala menghadapi beratnya beban kehidupan, tugas-tugas berat dan tuntutan anak-anaknya. Di hadapan kita, dia selalu tersenyum dan tertawa gembira. Kadang-kadang aku merasa kasihan kepadanya kalau dia tidak bisa pulang seharian, kalau tubuhnya yang sudah kecapaian itu harus dipaksa untuk bekerja lagi. Saya sendiri sering merasa bersalah karena rasanya hanya memperlakukan ayah seperti kuda beban atau sapi perahan. Kita bisa beli ini itu, bisa pergi ke sana kemari atau bermain-main dengan santai di rumah, sementara itu dia hanya puas dengan secangkir kopi dan baju yang itu itu saja, dia juga tidak mempunyai banyak waktu untuk bersantai-santai seperti kita. Sungguh anakku, aku mohon hormatilah ayahmu.

Sebagai orang tuamu aku minta maaf kalau selama ini aku kadang-kadang egois, menuntut terlalu berlebihan, kolot dan keras terhadapmu. Maafkan aku bila aku kurang mengerti kebutuhan-kebutuhan dan dunia mudamu. Kadang aku masih menganggapmu seperti anak-anak yang harus kuatur segalanya agar tidak keliru. Maafkan aku anakku, yang membuat banyak kesalahan atau malah menyengsarakanmu, yang tidak dapat mencintai dengan cara yang cocok dengan keinginanmu. Kata maaf darimu adalah hadiah yang paling kutunggu.

Aku sudah kangen kamu. Ingin rasanya kubisikkan aku sayang kamu. Hanya peluk ciumku untukmu.

=== Salam Sabar ===

Dikutip dari Ruang Hati (Karyanto Boris)

PLEASE COMENT THIS NOTE: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&&note_id=10150116910425849&id=291202364354

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Models in DSS


All DSS above the simplest data-oriented ones are based on models. Their purpose is to hence the decision maker who is using it to predict what would happen in the real world if certain choices were made.

This enables the decision maker to evaluate alternative actions without trying them out in practice – obviously saving in time, expense and overall hassle to say nothing of reducing the likelihood of seriously wrong decision that could do major damage to an organization.


Model is a representation of an actual system.

Models embody system characteristics that are important to the model’s users.

At the same time, models simplify reality by eliminating other characteristics that are not important for their purpose.

The central idea of a model is that important relationships that apply to the system being modeled also apply to the model.

Type of Models


Static vs Dynamic Models

  • Static Models

shows the values that system attributes take when the system is in balance (steady).

Static model can model either a static system or a dynamic system.

Showing when a system is in balance, can tell decision makers how the system will eventually stabilize even if it does not show them how it gets to that point. Because it involves much less data, it can be easier for a decision maker to analyze.

may also be able to provide results more quickly than a dynamic one, allowing decision makers to consider more options in a given amount of time.

Ex: estimate next year’s profits from calculate profits of sales volume for each of the firm’s five products

  • Dynamic Models

follows the changes over time that result from system activities.

The passage of time

With cause and effect relationships connecting one time period to the next is essential to system behavior.

Continuous VS Discrete-Event Model

  • Continuous models :

Describe physical or economic processes in which the numbers that describe the system vary continuously.

Ex:Blood pressure varies continuously over time.

  • Discrete-event models :

Deal with systems in which individual events occur at identifiable points in time and change the state of the system instantaneously from one value to a different one.

Discrete-event Simulation Models

v A model that allows us to predict the behavior of a business system by modelling the espected behaviors and interactions of its components over time.

v This is useful because we often know how each system components behaves but we are unable to assess the impact of their interactions of the behavior of the overall system.

Ex: barbershop

Model Types

  • A Graphical model

Data flow diagram

  • A narrative model

Natural language such as English

  • A physical model

A smaller or idealized representation of the real system such as a model railroad or an architecturel model of a building being designed.


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  • Organizes and employs information and knowledge from databases
  • Statistical, mathematical, artificial intelligence, and machine-learning techniques
  • Automatic and fast
  • Tools look for patterns

Simple models

Intermediate models

Complex Models

  • Data mining application classes of
       Problems        Sequencing
       Classification        Regression
       Clustering        Forecasting
       Association        Others
  • Hypothesis or discovery driven
  • Iterative
  • Scalable

Tools and Techniques

  • Data mining
       Statistical methods        Neural computing
       Decision trees        Intelligent agents
       Case based reasoning        Genetic algorithms
  • Text Mining

Hidden content

Group by themes

Determine relationships

Knowledge Discovery in Databases

  • Data mining used to find patterns in data

–         Identification of data

–         Preprocessing

–         Transformation to common format

–         Data mining through algorithms

–         Evaluation

Data Visualization

  • Technologies supporting visualization and interpretation

–         Digital imaging, GIS, GUI, tables, multidimensions, graphs, VR, 3D, animation

–         Identify relationships and trends

  • Data manipulation allows real time look at performance data


  • Data organized according to business standards, not analysts
  • Conceptual
  • Factors
       Dimensions        Time
  • Significant overhead and storage
  • Expensive
  • Complex

Analytic systems

  • Real-time queries and analysis
  • Real-time decision-making
  • Real-time data warehouses updated daily or more frequently

–      Updates may be made while queries are active

–      Not all data updated continuously

  • Deployment of business analytic applications

Web Analytics/Intelligence

  • Web analytics

–      Application of business analytics to Web sites

  • Web intelligence

–      Application of business intelligence techniques to Web sites


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Data Warehouse

  •        Subject oriented
  •        Scrubbed so that data from heterogeneous sources are standardized
  •        Time series; no current status
  •        Nonvolatile
  • Read only
  •        Summarized
  •        Not normalized; may be redundant
  •        Data from both internal and external sources is present
  •        Metadata included

Data about data

  • Business metadata
  • Semantic metadata


May have one or more tiers

Determined by warehouse, data acquisition (back end), and client (front end)

  • One tier, where all run on same platform, is rare
  • Two tier usually combines DSS engine (client) with warehouse

More economical

  • Three tier separates these functional parts

Migrating Data

v  Business rules

  • Stored in metadata repository
  • Applied to data warehouse centrally

v  Data extracted from all relevant sources

  • Loaded through data-transformation tools or programs
  • Separate operation and decision support environments

v  Correct problems in quality before data stored

  • Cleanse and organize in consistent manner

Data Marts

v  Dependent

  • Created from warehouse
  • Replicated

Functional subset of warehouse

v  Independent

  • Scaled down, less expensive version of data warehouse
  • Designed for a department or SBU
  • Organization may have multiple data marts

Difficult to integrate

Business Intelligence and Analytics

  • Business intelligence

Acquisition of data and information for use in decision-making activities

  • Business analytics

Models and solution methods

  • Data mining

Applying models and methods to data to identify patterns and trends


  • Activities performed by end users in online systems

–         Specific, open-ended query generation


–         Ad hoc reports

–         Statistical analysis

–         Building DSS applications

  • Modeling and visualization capabilities
  • Special class of tools

–         DSS/BI/BA front ends

–         Data access front ends

–         Database front ends

–          Visual information access systems

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I’m here again~

This time I want to share some knowledge about the difference of data, information, and knowledge. I also want to share a little about some data models.

Data, Information, Knowledge


  • Items that are the most elementary descriptions of things, events, activities, and transactions
  • May be internal or external
  • Raw data collected manually or by instruments
  • Representative data collection methods are time studies, surveys (using questionnaires), observations (eg using video cameras) and soliciting information from experts (eq interviews).
  • Quality is critical

–         Quality determines usefulness

  • Contextual data quality
  • Intrinsic data quality
  • Accessibility data quality
  • Representation data quality

–         Often neglected or casually handled

–        Problems exposed when data is summarized

  • Cleanse data
    • When populating warehouse
    • Data quality action plan
    • Best practices for data quality
    • Measure results
  • Data integrity issues
    • Uniformity
    • Version
    • Completeness check
    • Conformity check
    • Genealogy or drill-down
  • Data Integration
  • Access needed to multiple sources
    • Often enterprise-wide
    • Disparate and heterogeneous databases
    • XML becoming language standard

External Data Sources

  • Web

–         Intelligent agents

–         Document management systems

–         Content management systems

  • Commercial databases

–         Sell access to specialized databases

Database Management Systems

  • Software program
  • Supplements operating system
  • Manages data
  • Queries data and generates reports
  • Data security
  • Combines with modeling language for construction of DSS

Database Models

types of data management

  • Hierarchical

–         Top down, like inverted tree

–         Fields have only one “parent”, each “parent” can have multiple “children”

–         Fast

  • Network

–         Relationships created through linked lists, using pointers

–         “Children” can have multiple “parents”

–         Greater flexibility, substantial overhead

  • Relational

–         Flat, two-dimensional tables with multiple access queries

–         Examines relations between multiple tables

–         Flexible, quick, and extendable with data independence

  • Object oriented

–         Data analyzed at conceptual level

–         Inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation

  • Multimedia Based

–         Multiple data formats

JPEG, GIF, bitmap, PNG, sound, video, virtual reality

–         Requires specific hardware for full feature availability

  • Document Based

–         Document storage and management

  • Intelligent

–         Intelligent agents and ANN

Inference engines


Organized data that has meaning and value


Processed data or information that conveys understanding or learning applicable to a problem or activity

Actually I get this theory when I still learn in university. I made the synopsis of the theory and here is the result. I hope this article can be useful~

Comments, questions, suggestions, critics are welcomed~

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Hello everyone..

Well actually I’m just trying not to waste my time by doing nothing, so I try to write a post about QA. Just as a reminder, I really am still a novice, so I read many articles in QA. One of the most interesting articles I’ve read is written by James A. Whittaker n’ the title is Being Methodical about Test Design.

I won’t discuss this article too much here, just some part of it because I believe that you all will prefer read the article yourself (hehehe). Some part of the articles discuss about how important the existing of QA and QA’s job is to ensure the code quality of the developer. Simple says, the quality of the code made is owned by the developer, not testers. It must be a happy thing for the developer to build a good quality code. So, if each developer maintains his / her own quality of code, then it shouldn’t be a big deal to avoid as many as bug as he / she can, right? The answer is of course it will be easy. But, does a program only consist of a code that is made by one developer? The answer is, of course, not. The program always comes in integration of many modules built by many developers. And here QA comes with responsibility to ensure the quality of whole code or program. And again, the jobs of QA are to ensure that the program meets the requirements specification of a user, the program executes well, and minimize as many bug as it can ( If a QA finds any bugs, it’s not his / her job to fix the code, the developer does ). The most difficult thing to do by a QA is how to have an aligned mind with the client, while QA is part of the program building team. But again, a person who has assigned to be a QA, often has a good quality in communicating with others. It won’t be a problem, I think..

Back to the test that will be main job of a QA, there are so many kinds of test that can be done.  A QA will work concurrently with developer and test every single code that has been finished by a developer. It of course will reduce the work of both developer and tester at the end of the project, because bug will be found when the code is still simple enough to be maintained. A QA will also have to do black box test, where a QA pretends not to know anything about the program and do the test as the end-user of the program. Above all the test that will be done by a QA, the most important test that have to be done is when the project will be launched to the client. Here, a QA must make sure that the program can be executed well and make the end-user convenience by the existing of the program. Don’t forget when a QA test a program, there are many environments that have to be applied to the program. It will ensure the quality of the program. For example for web-based program, we need to check it through four or more browsers, for desktop-based program, we need to check it through two or more operating system.

The next thing to be remembered by a QA is don’t forget to maximize the use of test-plan. Use the test-plan as a guide to test your program. Test-plan will help QA ensuring the test details and making sure that every single thing you need to test would have been tested and there will be a report about the defect appeared.

Be a good QA is not only be a person who follow all the guidelines exist, but also be a person who wants to know everything clearly, detailed, and have many annoyance thought. QA will test a program in every single way to do. You absolutely will be a good QA when you can find more and more about how to find bugs in a program. So, in order to be a good QA, you have to improve your annoyance skill in taking a program apart ( not a thing that will be liked by the developer of course). Just remember that you do this improvement skill not to break someone else program, but to ensure your team has made a good quality program.

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I am actually only a novice here in IT field. I graduate just now by holding certificate in diploma. It doesn’t take a long time ‘till I get hired in an IT company. Alhamdulillah, I think I have many opportunities to grow. My first position is QA position. I know QA of course from my previous school. For the first time I get this lesson, I feel like something opens my eyes widely, “HELLO, U R ONLY A LITTLE FISH PLAYING IN AN OCEAN, ang”. The only thing I know when the first time I enter IT is programmer. A programmer who makes the code.  The whole thing about IT is only programmer. I don’t really know that IT has so many fields like QA, Analyst, DBA, ITPM, and developer or popular known as programmer. Thanks to QA lesson there, I get my knowledge more and more. An application is built by analyzing, designing, building, testing, and maintaining the program when it has been installed. While getting some free times in my work, looks like I want to share some of my knowledge here.

QA is the abbreviation from Quality Assurance. In this field, people who hold QA position usually called tester. As I know, testing is not a whole thing in QA. People in QA should ensure that the application built has met user requirement, free of bugs, make the end user convenience and easier in doing their job by the existing of application, etc. So, QA people job’s is to help the team build a good application. Ensuring the quality of application actually can be done by some works to do. QA people should know the requirements of the user clearly, ensure that SDLC is obeyed very well by the team, discus the application with PM, etc. A good QA must act as the project owner and end user who uses the program. QA, because of the obligation, need to test the program. They will of course, find bugs from the program. So sometimes, a QA will have difficult times to assemble with his / her group. Just don’t worry about it, because I believe that a person who has asked to be a QA has excellent communication skill. A QA just need to be so careful and thorough about the project he/ she has assigned in, studies the requirement carefully, and improve his / her annoyance skill in playing with the program.

Because the work flow of a QA is affected by the management in his / her workplace, I believe that each QA has their own strategy in listing his / her to do list. Here I’ll try to write my plan list before doing my job as QA in real project:

  1. Ask the project specification from PM.
  2. Make a list of test-plan created by analyzing the specification, and discuss it with PM.
  3. Make a documentation template for each of test-plan made. Make sure that there will be a versioning in test-plan.
  4. When I have to test the program (this list of course will be related to my job as I work in a company who major in developing web application):
  • Open the project in four web browsers. Check:

–          Whether the user interface design has been similar.

–          Whether the component of a web page stays in its place when the page is being zoom in or zoom out.

–          Whether the user interface is user-friendly enough to use by the end-user.

–          Whether all the requirements needed by the client have been appeared in web.

–          Whether all java script functions exist in web can be executed well in all web browsers.

  • Test whether all the links exist are not broken link. Check:

–          All the links exist in web are not broken.

–          All the links exist in web can be searched and be seen easily.

–          If  URL in address bar that can accept parameter won’t cause any error to the system when user enter data to it.

–          Error messages are user-friendly enough for the user.

  • Test the authentication of user. Check:

–          Input invalid login data. Make user that there will be error message and error message is user-friendly enough for the user.

–          Input valid login data. Make sure that the user can access the system.

–          Whether authority given to some users has met the specification.

–          Copy the URL when you have entered system by doing login to another web browser. Test whether you still can access the system without doing login anymore.

–          Whether the user can logout from the system easily. If the user has been logged out, make sure that the user can’t access the system without doing login first.

  • Test all the pages that can accept user’s input. Check:

–          Make sure that this web page can’t be injected by SQL injection or java script injection or make the possibility of injection minimal.

–           Input valid data to the web page, and make sure that the system has responses well to the data.

–          Input invalid data to the web page, and make sure that the system will reject the data and give appropriate error message to the system.

–          Input syntax in SQL or java script, make sure that the system will response well in those input.

  • Review all the steps and retest in from the first step if you have enough time.
  1. Make sure that every error has been listed in your defect documentation. Take it to the developer who responsible in building the code, and give some suggestion if you can. That will of course improve your close-work relationship with your team.
  2. You have to help PM to ensure that timeliness for the project still in green area. If the timeliness has entered yellow area, you must discuss it immediately with your PM, it will help your team avoiding the chaos that might be exist later when the project would have been delivered to the client.

I think it’s long story enough for you to read my first post but still, I hope that you really enjoy my sharing and give feed back if you feel like need to give it to me. Hope that my share can be useful for you..

See you all at my next post~

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Bestfriends, one word with a lot of meaning behind them.. Well, I have some of bestfriends in my life, that’s why I decide to make this post. I dedicate this for all of my bestfriends out there.. You know I love you all right~~

Bestfriends, I won’t use the same term as friend for them. As for myself, I choose the people who can be my bestfriends because no matter what, for me, bestfriends will give the influence for my personality. I can’t make all my friends become my bestfriends, that won’t be unwise~

Bestfriends are people who meant a lot to me. They’re second after my family, my little happy family.. Bestfriends are people who I can show the true side of myself. They can see me laugh and cry.  They are people who can understand me best without needing me to tell them how I feel.. Bestfriends, are people who are happy when I’m happy, who are sad when I sad.. They’ll always try understanding me in whatever conditions, and they’ll help me making the decision by giving some suggestions. Bestfriends are people who will remind me when I do something wrong, they won’t let me be in darkness at all.. They’ll definitely get angry if I’m being stupid because of something.. They’ll judge me fairly if there is something happen, so I can always be a better person.. Bestfriends, although I don’t share every things in my life to them, they’ll just understand.. They give me time when I need it.. They’ll share the shoulder if I need to cry.. Bestfriends, because of them, I can be stronger at all time.. There’s no need for them to be there for me all the time physically, because I know by heart that they’ll always stay beside me whenever I need them.. My bestfriends, thanks a lot~

I know that there are many times that I disappoint you all, when I’m being stubborn and keeping all the things to myself. When these times come, I really apologize to all of you because at the time I just need to correct myself more.. I need to do more communication with Allah, so I know what should be corrected well.. Though I really want to say, when those times come, you, my best friends, also become one of my biggest reason why I should be strong.. Thanks a lot~

For all of my bestfriends, Mba’Frida, Arif, Udin, Ika, Maxcill (Rahma, Rani, Rosida, Nurul, Retno, Siti, Ditha, Ervin), Dikhy,Cygnus (Aul, Agni, Septi, Indah, Windi, Ika), Riska, Feni, Afif, Bagus, Sekti, Dimas, Ahmadu, Dewi, Deka, Retna, Angga, Wahyu, Farandy, Ijal, Ridwan, Bayu, Ariyani, Rizqi, Taufik, Teh Fitri etc etc.. I love you all~ Thanks a lot, be happy and healthy all the time..

Fighting, for all best friends in the world.. Don’t forget to try your best in every aspects of your life.. Do it for yourself, your family, and your best friends.. They deserve the best from you~

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Yeah well, it’s kind of weird because I am with this quite old age to be fangirling over a k-pop group, but I tell you it’s kind of surprising for myself too. I’ve known Super Junior since some years ago but yes, I just become fan just these recent two years. Originally I don’t believe that they can sing well because they focus a lot in dancing and performing rather than singing. Some times in 2010, I watched this korean drama called Cinderella Step Sister and then I listened to the soundtrack called It has to be you which is sang by one of Super Junior member, Yesung. He sang the OST really beautifully, and that was the beginning I learnt about Super Junior. I’ll write some posts related to Super Junior here because I really love them. Haha ^^..

Super Junior (슈퍼주니어) is a k-pop group which is formed at 2005 with original name Super Junior05. When it is formed, the group basically will be performed as project group, which member will be changed once in every three months.

They debuted as 12 members: Leeteuk, Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, and Kibum at 2005. They were debuted under the agency called SM Entertainment (SME). SME didn’t have faith that they would be success, that’s why Super Junior was decided to be a project group. Unexpected by them, Super Junior’s fan become bigger and bigger and at the time eventually SME decided to add additional member as the 13th member, Kyuhyun the maknae (the youngest member) and they launched single called U. The song was highly appreciated by the fans and this increased Super Junior popularity. They won award for the first time by launching this song. Although at first Kyuhyun’s addition wasn’t appreciated by the fans, eventually they came to love the maknae. In addition, the maknae almost die from previous fatal car accident in April 2007. This made other member showed many love for him and fans eventually accepted the maknae well.

SUJU M perfection

At 2008, SME decided to make sub group who would have activities mainly in China called Super Junior M and added two additional members, Zhoumi and Henry. This event created many issues mainly the fans who didn’t accept the fact. The wanted the member to remain 13. Eventually SME announced that Super Junior will forever remain with 13 member. There wouldn’t be any changes anymore.

That’s how Super Junior remain active in the industry untill now. Although so many things happen, like in 2009 the former member Hangeng decides to leave the agency because some contracts issues and Kibum who doesn’t active anymore, also in 2010 Kangin is momentarily inactive, the rest of the members still do promotions and appear in many TV shows.


Super Junior fans in additional, known as ELF which is abbreviation from Everlasting Friends. The color of the fans is blue. In 2005-2009, Super Junior fans mainly come from all over Asia. Starting from 2010 until now, Super Junior fan is growing from all over the world.

Super Junior member:

  1. Leeteuk | the leader, also known as the mother of the band | original name Park Jungsu | born at 01 07 1983
  2. Heechul (currently serving in the army) | rapper, known better as heenim | born at 10 07 1983
  3. Hangeng (former member) | korean name is Hankyung | decides to quit Super Junior at 2009 | born at 04 02 1984
  4. Yesung | lead singer | original name Kim Jongwoon | born at 21 o4 1984
  5. Kangin | known as the father of the band | original name Kim Youngwoon | born at 17 01 1985
  6. Shindong | main dancer, rapper | original name Shin Donghee | born at 28 09 1985
  7. Sungmin | main dancer, main singer | original name Lee Sungmin | born at 01 01 1986
  8. Eunhyuk | lead dancer, rapper | original name Lee Hyukjae | born at 04 04 1986
  9. Siwon | known king of gesture | original name Choi Siwon | born at 17 04 1986
  10. Donghae | main dancer, main singer | original name Lee Donghae | born at 15 10 1986
  11. Ryeowook | main singer, the eternal maknae | original name Kim Ryeowook | born at 21 06 1987
  12. Kibum (inactive momentarily) | rapper | original name Kim Kibum |  born at 21 08 1987
  13. Kyuhyun | main singer, main dancer, the evil maknae | original name Cho Kyuhyun | born at 03 02 1988
  14. Zhoumi ( sub group member, Super Junior M ) | born at 19 04 1986
  15. Henry ( sub group member, Super Junior M) | born at 11 10 1989

Super Junior album:

  1. Super Junior 05, title song is TWINS (Knock Out). Released at 2005.
  2. Don’t Don. Released at 2007.
  3. Sorry Sorry. Released at 2009.
  4. Bonamana. Released at 2010.
  5. Mr Simple. Released at 2011.

Super Junior sub group:

1. Super Junior K.R.Y.


This subgroup is the oldest subgroup which formed at 2006. The member is the main singer of Super Junior, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung (sub group leader). The name KRY comes from the abbreviation of their name. This sub group is focused on ballad song. Almost in each album of Super Junior, some of the songs are ballad and this sub group is the one who sing these songs. This sub group also sing some of OST drama, either they sing solo or together.

2. Super Junior – T.

This sub group name come from their speciality in singing Trot songs. The member consists of Leeteuk (sub group leader), Heechul, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk. They have released one mini album at 2007 with title song Rokkugo, and one single in 2010 called Tok Tok Tok.

3. Super Junior – M.

This sub group name come from their mainly activities in China and Taiwan, that’s why they are called as Super Junior M (Mandarin). This subgroup has changed member since they first debuted because Hangeng, the former leader of sub group has quit from the agency. The former member of this sub group are Hangeng, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Henry. In 2011 the new members are added, they are Sungmin and Eunhyuk.  This sub group has released two albums until now, they are Me in 2008, Super Girl in 2009,  and Perfection in 2011.

4. Super Junior – H.


This sub group is formed at 2008. The name means Super Junior Happy, where they sing the songs with catchy   tone. The member of the sub group is Leeteuk (sub group leader), Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk. They release one mini album at 2008 called Cooking-cooking. In 2010, they release single song with title Victory Korea.

5. Eunhae Couple.

This sub group is newly added sub group in 2011. The member consists of Eunhyuk and Donghae. They often perform together in Super Junior Super Show concert. They release a single with title Oppa, Oppa / Oppa has risen in 2011. The song also created in Japanesse version which is also released in 2011. The song gets good respond from the fans.

Super Junior single:

  1. Show me your love in 2005 feat DBSK.
  2. U in 2006.
  3. Bijin – Bonamana Japanese Version in 2010.
  4. Mr Simple Japanese Version in 2011.
  5. Opera Japanese Version in 2012.

Super Junior concert:

  1. Super Show 1 in 2008 complete with 13 members.
  2. Super Show 2 in 2009 with 12 members (Kibum is injured during the concert).
  3. Super Show 3 in 2010 with 10 members ( Kangin is served the army, Kibum is inactive, and Hangeng has quit the agency).
  4. Super Show 4 World Tour in 2011 with 9 members ( additional Heechul has been served the army).
Super Junior MV (Music Video):

I highly recommend you to get to know them better. They’ll just add the love you feel in your heart for every people in this world I think, hahaha..

I think this article is enough for the introduction. I hope this can be useful for those who want to know more about Super Junior~~

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